Career Day celebrations at Birla Carbon Hungary

Our children are the future of this world, and with growing competition all over, it is imperative to groom the right talent to succeed. Keeping this in mind, in April 2023, Birla Carbon Hungary (BCH) organized a career day for 28 local students.

The aim of this day-long event was to draw the students attention as they prepare for high school and eventually decide the careers they wish to pursue – mainly in the domains of engineering, maintenance work, and chemicals.

The day began with welcoming the students into the facility, where they were introduced to the plant’s history. The children showcased enthusiasm as they took the plant tour, where the working of each department was explained to them and their teachers. The two groups of students discovered the nuances of working in a laboratory, the control room, and the maintenance workshop, where they also interacted with the instrument engineers.
The plant visit ended with a host of questions from the students and teachers answered by the production team of Zoltán and József. As the day progressed, the children were given a Birla Carbon exercise book and a pen as a farewell gift for them to focus on learning regularly for a bright academic future.