Share The Future

Sustainability at Birla Carbon

At Birla Carbon, we have been sharing our expert knowledge of carbon black and its applications for over a century, all the time advancing our commitment to sustainable progress. We are an environmentally conscious supplier and aim to improve the environment by driving material efficiencies and reducing our emissions.

John Loudermilk
Sustainability Quote Icon

Our vision is to be the clear leader in our industry with a strategy to drive growth through ESG focused Innovation.”

John Loudermilk
CEO, Birla Carbon

John Loudermilk Sustainability video

Watch this video message from John Loudermilk, CEO.

Our full FY2023 report covers our latest approach, progress and goals in detail.

2023 Birla Carbon Sustainability Report

Working towards our 2030 goals

To meet our vision, we are working towards ambitious goals for FY2030. We have set key performance indicators (KPIs) to track our progress as we work to become the most sustainable carbon black business.

Our 2050 net zero pledge

Through innovation and collaboration, we are committed to drive forward our actions to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050. We seek to reduce our impact beyond direct operations, supporting, and collaborating with, customers and suppliers to achieve similar sustainable progress.

Recent highlights

Birla Carbon Italy Plant

ISCC Certification
for Italy

Share the future strategy

Share the Future

Energy Systems


Our New Strategy – Share The Future

Our new strategy builds on our previous SOE strategy, leading our focus on the future with bold commitments and initiatives for a more sustainable tomorrow – to bring you the products and services we’ve always delivered, with our impact in mind.

Share the Future

How we focus on what matters

To effectively consider internal and external impacts, we continually review the challenges that are most relevant to our business. We use quantitative and qualitative analysis to determine the materiality of each issue. And consider the influence of stakeholder assessments and the significance of our economic, environmental and social impacts. As a result of a formal materiality assessment, we have identified the key issues for Birla Carbon,
as defined by our major stakeholder groups.

Birla Carbon Sustainability Word Cloud

Our foundation for excellence

Discover our policies, Code of Ethics and our IATF, ISO, OHSAS and SA Certificates by region.

2023 Birla Carbon Sustainability Report